Hey folks. The tour was totally awesome. Thanks to everyone helping us out during these 10 days. We really appreciate it. It was an incredible experience for us and a first opportunity to share a battered van with another band. We played some places we´ve already been to, but also a lot of places we haven´t seen before. Overall, the gigs were attended by solid amounts of people and we had lots of fun. Be sure to check out our buddies from PRÜGELKNABE, they totally killed it at every single show. Our props go out to all the organizers: Pavel (Opava), Bibi (Leipzig), Jonas (Berlin), Felix (Berlin Wagenplatz mayhem), Julian (Bielefeld), Ďuro and the company (Rotterdam), Steffi (Singen), Akim (Biel), Paaya (Vienna) and Blum (Olomouc). We owe you our asses. Also big thank you to everyone supporting our distro, it will keep Analog Freaks label going. Can´t wait to hit the road again.
Oi! Pred nedávnom sme sa vrátili z turné, ktoré bolo fakt namakané. Vďaka všetkým, ktorí nám nejakým spôsobom pomohli. Ceníme si to. Bola to pre nás neuveriteľná skúsenosť a prvá príležitosť zdielať s nejakou inou kapelou otrieskanú dodávku. Hrali sme na pár miestach, kde sme už boli predtým, ale navštívili sme aj nejaké nové. Celkovo boli koncerty fakt podarené, prišlo relatívne dosť ludí a poriadne sme si ich užili. Určite si čeknite PRÜGELKNABE ak ich nepoznáte. Duo Skulda/Viki to totálne rozbili na každom jednom koncerte. Detailný tour report od Masskillaha by sa mal objaviť v novej Hlubokej Orbe.