We are Analog Freaks Records – survivors of the digital age. We love cracking of the vinyl and buzzing of the tapes. We decided to go against the stream of just downloading music from the Internet. Therefore, we joined the army of labels preserving these classic analogue formats, because we think they are essential for the d.i.y. underground. We strongly believe in d.i.y. spirit and this policy is also reflected in the package of our releases. We try to dedicate most of our time and effort until they look perfect, but still have a personal imprint to it. We are Analog Freaks. Take it or leave it!
Sme Analog Freaks. Milujeme pukanie vinylových dosiek a šumenie pások. A preto sme sa rozhodli ísť proti prúdu bezduchého sťahovania hudby z Internetu. Pripojili sme sa k zástupu labelov, ktoré zachovávajú tieto analógové formáty, pretože si myslíme, že sú absolútnou esenciou d.i.y. undergroundu. Veríme vo filozofiu do-it-yourself, čo sa odráža aj na vzhľade našich vydaní. Snažíme sa im venovať maximum snahy a času, aby vyzerali perfektne, ale stále niesli našu osobnú stopu. Sme Analog Freaks. Ber alebo nechaj tak!