Boiling Point new E.P.

Po 5tich rokoch života prichádzajú žilinskí Boiling Point konečne so svojim prvým samostatným E.P. Na ploche 9 minút sa prezentujú 7 skladbami z rôzneho obdobia existencie kapely. Aj preto sa jedná o pestrú hudobnú zmes na pomedzí punku, thrashu a extrémneho hardcore. O konečné vyznenie nahrávky sa postaral Blum (Gattaca) vo svojom D.I.Y. štúdiu v Litoveli, a treba povedať, že odviedol skvelú prácu. BxPx nikdy nezneli lepšie! Čo sa týka textov, všetko ostáva pri starom, čiže môžete očakávať tradičnú zmes humoru, sociálnej kritiky a vŕtania do neduhov scény. Obal bude tvorený dvojfarebnou sieťotlačou a samotnú kresbu vytvoril náš kamoš Vedro. Samozrejme doska bude ako vždy obsahovať aj inlay so slovenskou aj anglickou mutáciou textov a obsiahle komentáre. Vychádza v náklade 200 ks na Analog Freaks records. Vynil je čierno-žltý haze na 45 rpm. K dostaniu na release show 2. augusta spoločne s Coke Bust (USA) v žilinskom Bullwar Bare, kde sa bude predávať aj špeciálna release show edícia v počte 25 kusov, takže to nepremeškajte!


After five years of existence, Boiling Point from Žilina are finally going to release their self-titled E.P. They present themselves with 7 songs in 9 minutes. These songs are from various stages of their existence, so you can expect a diverse mixture of punk, thrash and extreme hardcore. Blum from Gattaca took care of the final sound of the record in his D.I.Y. studio and he did an amazing job. BxPx never sounded better. When talking about the lyrics, everything is still the same. Traditionally, they contain a lot of humor, social criticism and bitching about the scene. The cover will be made by two-coloured screenprinting technique. The picture itself was drawn by our friend Vedro. Of course, the record will contain an inlay with lyrics and commentaries both in English and Slovak as usual. The whole press is 200 pieces and Analog Freaks are taking care of this release. The vynil is black-yellow haze and plays at 45 rpm. You can grab your copy at the release show on 2nd of August in Bullwar Bar in Žilina, where they´re playing together with Coke Bust (USA) or through Analog Freaks mailorder. A special release show edition consisting of 25 pieces will be sold at the show.