Čaute. Máme za sebou parádny víkend. Sme veľmi vďační Enricovi a organizátorskej crew festivalu Killed System v nemeckom Glauchau. Väčšina kapiel na tomto feste bola fakt výborná a sme veľmi radi, že sme si mohli tiež zahrať s oboma kapelami. Festival mal veľmi vysokú úroveň aj čo sa týka zvuku a celkovej organizácie. V nedeľu sme si zahrali pod mostom na Štvanici v Prahe spolu s našimi kamošmi Massola a Sheeva Yoga. Bolo tam kopec ľudí a priateľská atmosféra. Tieto d.i.y. akcie sú najlepšie. Vďaka Mičudovi za organizáciu a všetkým ľudom, ktorí sa prišli na nás pozrieť. Náš kamoš Šaman natočil celý set UxFx z Prahy, tak si to keď tak pozrite.
Hey guys! This weekend was a total blast. Thanks a ton to Enrico and the organizing crew of the Killed System festival in Glauchau. Most of the bands played killer sets there and we had fun with both of our bands. The sound was outstanding and people really appreciated our music. Cheers to everyone banging their heads during our performances. We played an illegal gig with our fellas from Sheeva Yoga and Massola under the bridge in Prague on Sunday. There were tons of people and great atmosphere. These d.i.y. events are the best! Thanks to all organizers and people coming to our gigs. There´s also a full video of UxFx set from Prague shot by our friend Šaman from Gattaca/Remek. Enjoy.